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5 Strategies to Captivate and Attract New Customers for Online Business

The role of the changer in this volatile environment for business is technology. From the innovative live shopping API platforms, a dazzling range of technologies has become apparent by mirroring consumer behavior shifts. As a result, online commerce and selling are not mere alternatives anymore but vital necessities in an age where digital mastery rules the market. This article begins an exciting exploration, revealing five critical strategies that are the starlight of successful online navigation. Let us buckle up and explore the waves of technology, revealing the keys to success in the digital marketplace.

5 Strategies To Attract New Online Customer

1: Create a Marketing Strategy

A marketing strategy has a set of behaviors or activities that the company implements to either increase sales, raise brand awareness in the marketplace, or call attention to its value proposition. A marketing strategy lures customers to know about the company or its product.

The following tips are helpful in developing an effective marketing strategy for any online business.


Leverage Social Media

The influence of social media in the digital market cannot be denied. Businesses can access huge and diverse audiences as the sites have billions of visitors a day globally. However, 80% of customers have started using social media platforms to communicate with businesses; hence, there is a chance to convert this channel into a money-making device for bringing people to your site.

You may exploit social media in this way using the following practices:

  • Share website and social media links: As a practice, post links to your website’s pages, blog articles and other helpful information on various social media platforms. In order to encourage users, use attractive descriptions and CTAs for the links that lead them to your website.
  • Create visual content: On social media, visuals capture eyes. Create catchy videos, graphics, and movies pertaining to your business. The interaction and shares that are generated by the visual content can also lead to more traffic going to your site provided you include the URL in captions or overlaid on images. Remember to keep your branding uniform, including using your logo.
  • Engage with your audience: Interacting with your social media followers by replying to the comments, messages, and mentions is an active engagement. Use social media customer support tools such as live chat, messaging applications, or a chatbot. With well-established relationships and personalized engagements, you can gain dedicated followers as well as your potential consumers.

Using social media as a tool, companies can increase their brands recognition, create customer devotion and enhance website traffic.

Maximize Search Engine Optimization

Search engines are utilized to check for a given topic or question by the use of keywords and phrases. Web browsers are designed to search for specific keywords and phrases on web pages or publications, returning the results back to a user. SEO that works well can also provide a company with an effective means of targeting and segmentation strategy using clients. As good as keywords and phrases are, companies need to provide engaging content that also provides value.

2: Showcase Your Product

One of the best and oldest ways is to show your products working. It helps users to imagine using the products, which is particularly important for consumers buying essentials or cannot do without necessities such as instruments and appliances.

At the same time, it shows that another person – either a seller or an influencer– is using the product actively, which emphasizes its quality and safety.

Partner With Influencers

Social media users are influential people who have an audience or followers whom they target. Companies can team up with influencers who have the same corporate vision or approach. Influencers can advertise a product by using, wearing, or bringing it to the audience’s attention.

Only if the company’s products and sales processes are available can influencers help to create value through direct experiences that influence buying decisions. The company could attract new customers through industry influencers who fit its specialty.

Create A Blog

Blogs refer to collections of items that provide information concerning a website or product page where customers can make purchases while learning more about services. Depending on the objectives of such a strategy, blog posts should ideally be updated daily or weekly and at least provide value for readers while enhancing their authority. Some firms could employ guest blog authors to prove value or train customers. Sharing blog entries on social media or similar networks increases the number of readers and potential customers.

Make Eye-Catching Product And Brand Photography

Clear and compelling product images remain one of the most tried-and-true conversion methods for turning browsers into buyers. Consider using this fast checklist to create eye-catching product photos:

  • Use a picture of the object having a clear black or white background and filling frame.
  • Use diffused light instead of a flash to avoid shadows and reflections.
  • Use a tripod when necessary to prevent blurry or out-of-focus photos.
  • Photograph the object extensively, including close-ups and shots from different angles.
  • Shoot high-resolution photos that do not lose beauty and sharpness when zoomed in, so as to be displayed correctly by browsers.

Do not forget that it is necessary to reuse these image assets, which should be used both on the website and in e-commerce platforms but also within online and social media advertising campaigns, physical store branding, email campaigns, or other marketing projects.

3: Offer Incentives, Discounts, and Other Benefits

A good offer is a universal language that all customers can speak.

Limited-time discounts, buy-one-get-free offerings, or unique promotional codes all promote the sense of urgency and attention from online contents that aid in encouraging consumers to purchase your products over other competitors’ products. The curiosity of saving money or getting more value for their purchase will ensure higher website traffic, as they scurry on your site.

Additionally, online campaigns and reduced prices give companies the unique opportunity to connect with their audience at a much deeper level. Adopting promotions specifically for specific client categories can show the business has a real understanding of their customers’ needs and preferences. Any discount program can be promoted through social media and email marketing channels.

Businesses can manage to remain competitive, get noticed, and eventually establish lasting relationships with their target market by capitalizing on the power of compelling offers and customized incentives.

4: Build Customer Relationships

Client connection development is like building a digital wall for virtual companies. True relationships act as the threads of trust, and they make loyalty a part of transactions. This passionate connection not only encourages clients to come back but it starts an exciting wave of referrals that color the online brand in bright colors, authenticity and lasting success.

Referral Marketing

Word-of-mouth marketing is an effective strategy that can increase the number of website visitors through referral programs such as those that encourage republishing and social media shares.

This can be achieved by offering loyalty points or a discount code once they refer someone to your website through an app and this person signs up on the site or places an order. You will give customers a reason to recommend your company by providing monetary referral incentives.

Referral programs can also help to increase the number of customers as they reach out to new markets. Upon referral by existing customers, your business becomes known to people who were unaware of it.

Utilise Online Rating And Review Sites

In both the B2B and the B2C worlds, consumers often access online ratings and reviews sites prior to doing business with companies they are not familiar. Therefore, watch those sites and answer every complaint.

Leverage positive reviews by adding links to them on your site. Encourage customers to share feedback in your store, office or other place by putting the signpost. After all, and social proof does work wonders.

5: Use an Effective Platform

Mylivecart is more than just a platform; it’s a live-streaming solution that transforms your online company into a fascinating virtual theatre for customers all over the world. Mylivecart becomes a groundbreaking contribution by combining old-school e-commerce and advanced live-streaming technologies, resulting in an engaging purchasing experience for consumers.

The simplest way to grasp Mylivecart is to imagine two or three minutes in which you may go live and build an immersive virtual environment not just for selling things but also for establishing genuine relationships with your visitors. A tool is more than just Mylivecart; it connects your business and consumers, fostering genuine connections that result in unexpected sales increases.

Mylivecart Pricing and Features

The pricing plans of Mylivecart are flexible and adaptable in nature, as they cater to the needs of diverse businesses. In this regard, all pricing plans are devised to improve the live shopping experience for different levels of event hosting and audience engagement.

Pricing Plan (Monthly Pay) Features
Basic Plan ($49/month)
  • 30 Event Hours: Ideal for start-ups launching new collections with live stream sessions that are gripping.
  • 1 Host, 200 Attendees: Intimate interaction with a small crowd, leading to active involvement at the moment.
  • 7 Days Analytics: Get valuable insights for a week, optimizing approaches based on recent achievements.
  • 2 Social Channels: Share live events via two channels to maximize coverage.
  • App Integrations: Seamless integration with Shopify, WordPress, and preview support for Magento, Salesforce, and Odoo.
Growth Plan ($179/month)
  • 50 Event Hours: Ideal for growing enterprises conducting regular live events, featuring product launches.
  • 2 Hosts, 500 Attendees: Double hosting capacity for a larger audience and enhanced interactivity.
  • 30 Days Analytics: Extended analytics access for a month, providing deeper understanding of trends.
  • 5 Social Channels: Expand social reach by broadcasting across five platforms.
  • App Integrations: Same robust integrations as the Basic Plan.
Expansion Plan ($299/month)
  • 100 Event Hours: Tailored for established brands hosting extensive live interactions.
  • 4 Hosts, 1000 Attendees: Increased hosting capability for dynamic and engaging live events.
  • 60 Days Analytics: Two months of analytics retention for strategic planning and performance evaluation.
  • All Social Channels: Maximize visibility by streaming across all available social media channels.
  • App Integrations: Complete integration solutions with the most popular e-commerce platforms.
Enterprise Plan (Customized)
  • tailored solutions that provide a range of integrations for a seamless live shopping experience.
  • All Social Channels: Broadcast outreach to several social media networks.
  • App Integrations: Full range of integrations to automate live shopping events.


Overall, it cannot be understated that online businesses and e-commerce have become major entities in the world market. As such, this success has opened a new frontier for many opportunists to gain and earn wealth and fortune. From their experiences and losses, many have shared essential advice on how to gain the most from this new frontier.

Gained from their experiences, there are 5 key strategies in online business. First, by creating an effective marketing strategy through the use of social media and SEOs allows the seller to advertise their products and cast a wide net. Second, by showcasing your product through graphics, influencers, and even blogs, you can demonstrate and show the product’s quality and safety. 

Third, building excellent customer relationships through clear communication, referrals, incentives, and reviews has a major effect on the success of not just selling your product but also in advertising it to more potential buyers. Lastly, using an effective and cheap platform such as Mylivecart can further help you. After all, platforms such as Mylivecart offer sellers not just basic live selling abilities but more features and benefits in order to help them gain success in this new wide frontier.

Based on all of this, it is easy to imagine that the online marketplace can further grow as it continuously changes the selling landscape and redefines commerce. In this digital journey, the landscape is wide and full of opportunities none have touched, and so the future of online business and e-commerce is a wide canvas that stil has so many spaces to fill.